A great way to protect yourself from this flaky economy is get a good used copier with a low meter. This especially true with color MFPs where the original price was quite high. A reputable dealer will recondition the copier properly and give you the same service and toner rates that was used when the copier was new.
A good used color copier is usually bout 25% of it’s original MSRP. That’s about the same discount for the black only MFP/Copiers as well. Most refurbished copiers are put on a 39 month lease with 0 Down and a $1 purchase option which basically means you own it at the end.
If you just need a small copier without 11 x 17 it’s cheaper to get a small new A4 copier. A good place for that is www.A4copiersaustin.com
However, if you want l1 and 17 and a stapling a finisher than an A4 is too small. With the larger copiers stick with name brands with low meter counts. When we get an order we call wholesalers throughout the country who buy in bulk from leasing companies. That way we can get the lower metered copiers that still have at least 5 years or more life.
To take the risk out of the deal wrap a service agreement into the lease so all the risk is put back onto the copier company that sold it. Also, make sure print/scan drivers are available for your current Operating System. If you’re getting new computers soon then check for that compatibility as well.
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