I wanted to point out a few things you should be aware of that could be costly mistakes. One is the risk of buying a used copier out of state over the internet. These sellers are usually not authorized on any particular brand and they tell you to just call a local dealer if there’s any problems or if you want a service contract. Well, the reality is a little different than that.

The local authorized servicing dealers will usually not cooperate with used machines sold by unauthorized dealers from another state or city. Recently, there was a seller of a canon copier from California who was having a hard time finding someone in Austin to service a sale he just delivered and the copier kept jamming. I could tell because every day or two I would get a call from him.

used copierEven if he finds an unauthorized dealer to work on it there’s no guarantee that the service will be competent or what the local company will charge. Since the local company didn’t get the sale to begin with the service call could be expensive depending on the problem.

Another risky thing I see is non-profits getting a donated copier and then calling around for service. Usually the donor had an older copier with no trade in value when he leased a new one so he decided to donate it and take a tax deduction for his generosity. What good is it to get an old copier that needs service and is too old for a maintenance agreement.

After a certain number of years copier manufacturers stop making parts just like with cars and other appliances. That’s because the population in the field shrinks to where it’s not worth it. A local dealer can hardly offer an insurance policy (maintenance agreement) if parts aren’t available.

That’s not to say that sometimes a good machine isn’t donated with everything working properly. Just keep in mind that there was a reason why the owner bought a new one and gave you the hand me down. If in doubt, call us and we can look it up and tell you the age and the difficulty you might have finding service on it.

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